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Poster presentation

Abstracts: Instructions

Important: The work on animals presented will have to comply with the prerequisite of having been approved by an Ethics Committee and followed international guidelines for the care and use of experimental animals.


• Typeface and size: Arial 12.
• Write the title in bold uppercase.
• Write the name of authors as follows:
Given name and Surname. First letter only in Upper case. Name preceded by a number in superscript indicating institution.
• Underline the name of the author presenting the work.
• Write the number as a superscript and list the complete name of the institutions in the order they arise.


¹ Baamonde J.M., Bustos V.A., Treimun M.A.
¹ Unidad Genómica Funcional, Centro de Estudios Científicos. Valdivia, Chile.

Official languages:

Spanish, Portuguese and English.


Description of experimental procedures, including:

• Aim(s) of research.
• Information on use of animals, such as: species, strain and/or constructs (transgenic, knock-out, etc.), sex, age, maintenance conditions, etc.; pre- y post-surgery procedures (e.g.: anesthesia and analgesia) and type of euthanasia, if applicable.
• Studied variables, analysis methods, main findings, conclusions.

Register completing the registration form and send your abstract by e-mail to: encuentrocientifico@cecs.cl or bioterioscom@gmail.com

Deadline for abstract reception: 15 December 2011

The Scientific Committee will evaluate the abstract and will indicate possible amendments, acceptance or rejection.

Instructions for making of the poster:

• Languages: Spanish, Portuguese and English.
• Posters must be 150 cm wide and 110 cm high.
• Format of the poster is free.
• Suggested contents: Title, Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Conclusions.
• The number assigned to your poster will be communicated by e-mail and a panel will be indicated at the meeting for its display.
• Material for fixing the poster will be provided by the meeting secretariat.