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Union Glacier (in operation)

Operation Range: from 2014-01-26 14:00:00 to 2022-01-06 19:00:00

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Last Record:

Time (UTC -3): 2022-01-06 19:00:00 (local time)

T : -136.4 °C RH : -73.73 % BP : 911 mmHg WS Avg : 5.51 m/s
WD : 335.6 ° SWR Incoming : 18.01 W/m²
* T: Temperature, RH: Air Relative Humidity, BP: Barometric Pressure, WS: Wind Speed, WD: Wind Direction, SWR: Short Wave Radiation

Location: 79°45'32.5''S 82°50'35.7''W 978 masl

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Union Glacier (in operation)

Automatic weather station, january 2016.

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